
A Whole Day of Eggscitement - Egg Zhenning Opening Party

Egg EGGcafe 2022-04-14

自2015年在襄阳北路开始谱写我们的故事,Egg一直在用心打造如家般温馨的咖啡厅。从温暖香甜的烘焙,浓郁芬芳的精选咖啡到Egg的标志美食,这是一个充满活力的宝藏咖啡店。如果你还不知道我们的好消息 —— 第二家Egg空降长宁区镇宁路!

Starting our story on Xiangyang Lu in the summer of 2015, Egg has been serving up quality coffee, brunch classics (with a twist!) + fresh bakes to our amazing community of ‘rEggulars’ and trying our best to create a cozy atmosphere to make you feel right at home. Now we’ve opened our second Egg – Egg Zhenning Lu – to spread our love above Yan’an Lu!


To celebrate the birth of our bright + airy new location down a sweet lane on Zhenning Lu, we are inviting you to join us for a whole day of eggscitement on Saturday 30 Jan!

当日,我们将以一场活力无限的Egg to Egg慢跑集会开启一天的精彩。我们的Egg常客Lauren Hogan,不仅是知名健身工作室F45 Training的经理及RunForce的主理人之一,还是这次Egg to Egg 的领跑者!

Starting the day with energy, our long-time rEggular and running enthusiast Lauren Hogan, the GM of F45 Training and a RunForce community leader, will take you for an Egg to Egg Fun Run!

如此欢乐之日,怎能少了Egg常客们挚爱的派对美食和美饮?Egg的襄阳路店及镇宁路店同庆一日,带来让你难忘的派对松饼、最受欢迎的派对甜甜圈及甜蜜蛋挞,配以无限畅饮的气泡酒或自制黑咖啡。还有Egg常客之中的音乐明星 —— The Ukuladies将会给美妙的夜晚注入悦耳的现场音乐

For the rest of the day, we will be serving up brunch + drink specials at both Xiangyang Lu and Zhenning Lu locations, but come to Zhenning Lu for sparkling wine on us to celebrate the new space alongside some of our most beloved dishes: party pancakes, egg tarts, doughnuts + more! We’ll end the evening with some live music from our rEggular band The Ukuladies!


Opening Party Schedule


10am – 11am: Egg to Egg 欢乐跑(Egg镇宁路门店集合)

2pm – 5pm:镇宁路店起泡酒畅饮

5pm – Late: The Ukuladies 现场表演


Egg 大礼包: 88元(含一件“双黄”Egg T恤+咖啡+好礼),扫下方二维码买票

All day: opening party specials at both locations

10am – 11am: Egg to Egg Fun Run (meet up at Egg Zhenning)

2pm-5pm: FREE fizz at Egg Zhenning Lu

5pm – Late: Music by The Ukuladies

Price: Free Entry

rEggular bundle: 88rmb (with new ‘Double Yolk’ Egg Tee + Coffee + Giveaway), scan the QR below to buy ticket


Star rEggulars


08:00 - 18:30


上海市长宁区镇宁路安垦Air1楼, 近新闸路

Anken Air, 465 Zhenning Lu, near Xinzha Lu



ins: @eggshanghai

